Smash TV reimagines the dual-stick chaos of Robotron: 2084 as a hyperviolent, tongue-in-cheek dystopian future game show reminiscent of The Running Man, with a dash of the R-rated humor of RoboCop. Though it wears its many reference on its, um, sleeveless protagonists, Smash TV adds a lot of new elements to the mix, including numerous weapon powerups, boss fights and two-player cooperative play. Designed by Robotron designer Eugene Jarvis, Smash TV is still considered a classic of "Big money! Big prizes!" and "Total Carnage!"
Smash TV requires two 8-way joysticks (the left for movement, the right for shooting) – if you happen to have a cabinet with 4 joysticks, you're in for some amazing co-op action! If not, you can make your friends watch until it's their turn.