Following in the boot tracks of the successful Ikari Warriors, SNK released Guerrilla War to further capitalize on its rotary joystick-powered run-and-gun formula. Unlike the fanciful Rambo-style storyline of the Ikari series, Guerrilla War's story is actually a gamified take on the Cuban Revolution, with its two gun-toting heroes being none other than Ché Guevara and Fidel Castro fighting the Batista regime. Don't expect a history lesson, as the concept and gameplay are similar to the Ikari series, including its rotary joystick aiming controls, but the graphics are improved and overall the game has a level of polish that the original didn't always achieve. As with the Ikari games, you will need a method of emulating the rotary aiming, but a version is available that combines movement and aiming in one joystick.